Lindsay Park Yacht Club
est. 1887
One of the oldest yacht clubs on the Mississippi River
Phone: (563) 324-1317
Website: www.lpyc.org
What is LPYC all about?
Located at the foot of Mound Street and adjacent to the historic
Village of East Davenport, LPYC maintains an important heritage in the
Quad Cities.
For more than a century people have been gathering to enjoy the
beauty and recreational activities associated with living near the
river. While a large part of this type of activity involves recreational
boating, you do not have to own a boat to enjoy the club sponsored
social events, the beauty of the river, and the pleasure of dining on
the waterfront.
LPYC has endured the test of time and has come to be recognized as
one of the premier destinations for many of those who travel the river
by boat.
Membership has its Privileges!
- Members and Guests only restaurant and full service lounge.
- Member discount on fuel for your boat. Free pump-out.
- Club sponsored events:
- Annual business meeting and dinner event
- Commodore’s Breakfast (outdoor)
- Themed Summer Parties (outdoors)
- Fall Party (outdoor)
- Halloween Party
- Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
- Live Music Events
- Clubhouse is available for private parties or business functions, when sponsored and attended by a member.
- Runabout storage and launch service on site. (Membership Required)
- Membership card with *reciprocal rights.
- Reciprocal Facilities:
- Yacht Clubs affiliated with the National Yacht Club Register
- Current Members, receive two free consecutive night of transient dockage per month (upon availability).
How to join the fun:
- Fill out the application form on online www.lpyc.org
- You will be contacted by LPYC for confirmation.
- Full membership is $425.00. You can pay online here, https://lpyc.org/membership-fees or we will invoice you.
- Junior Membership, Age 18 – 26 dues $212.50
On receipt of your payment you will be issued a membership card and added to the mailing list!
*New member cards printed monthly, may be picked up at the club or mailed if requested.